Oftentimes when a garden or yard gets a little overgrown, ambitious gardeners will pull up every stray botanical that 'looks' like a weed - wholesale! Whole mats of chickweed, clusters of purslane, groundcovers, sorrel, burdock, dandelions or clumps of plantain are discarded and hundreds of years of traditional and indigenous healing medicine is wasted.
This class is presented in a PowerPoint format, and introduces folks to the medicinal side of common weeds that can and do grow in almost everyone's yard. Students will learn the latin binomial name, the common name, common growing conditions, medicinal actions, and common illnesses that are benefitted from each herb.
About 40 common herbs/weeds are covered in the core class. Additional classes cover trees, spices and even Italian herbs/weeds. This class can be tailored to include any or all of the above listed herbs/weeds.
"There is a wonderful science in nature, in trees, herbs, roots and flowers, which man has never yet fathomed." ~Jethro Kloss
Note: Any remedies or information listed on this web site are from historical references and used for teaching / educational purposes only. The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure or substitute consultation with a licensed health-care professional. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.