On-Demand at Your Location!!
Energy Exchange: $25 OR (In lieu of $25 exchange, we will also accept appropriate food items to be donated to the Chester Food Pantry) The purpose of Tree Orientation is to bring the human and plant worlds closer together, as they once were. Tree orientation is an initiative that Damanhur has proposed since 2011. The community participates in this project along with many friends worldwide, most of whom are part of the Popolo Spirituale, as part of the Global Tree Network. Scheduled on a weekend day, we used to visit different public parks in order to orient as many trees as possible. We record how many trees were oriented and send that information back to the Global Tree Network. Usually 10AM-12PM, please contact us by text or email to schedule a Tree Orienting session for your location: [email protected] or text/call 201-650-7500. |
Global Tree Network
The purpose of the Network is to launch a global campaign of awareness and celebration of the relationship between humans and trees. At the core of this initiative is a specific technique devised in Damanhur, and people from all over the world are invited to participate, adding their unique artistic, cultural, and spiritual approaches.
Tree orientation is an initiative that Damanhur has proposed since 2011. The community participates in this project along with many friends worldwide, most of whom are part of the Popolo Spirituale, as part of the Global Tree Network. The purpose of Tree Orientation is to bring the human and plant worlds closer together, as they once were.
600+ year old White Oak*
The old oak was a sapling when Columbus discovered the Americas and already a full grown adult when Jamestown was settled in 1607. By the time of the Revolutionary War the oak was already nearly 400 years old. A common story is that General George Washington and General LaFayette had lunch under it in the shade. It is reported to be one of the oldest white oak trees in the Western Hemisphere and its 156 foot spread is the widest of any tree in New Jersey.
Professional Services |
po box 147
schooley's mtn, nj 07870 201/650-7500 |