Donna is an experienced herbalist, an herbal educator - which includes being a voice for her native green plant allies - as well as a quiet tree-whisperer. She speaks about her magical, medicinal plants and trees often, frequenting parks, arboretums and local backyards, often for impromptu ‘herb’ walks.
She apprenticed for three years with New York City’s esteemed Green Witch, Wise Woman Healer, Herbal Educator, Author and Teacher of Earth Spirit Medicine: Robin Rose Bennett. Her apprenticeship studies included one year of Herbalist-in-Residence clinical studies at the Robert Morrow Family Medical Center in the Bronx, NY.
Donna studied for four years with internationally distinguished Herbalist and Ethnobotanist, David Winston, RH (AHG), and is a graduate of his world renowned two-year Clinical Herbalist Training Program, his one-year Graduate Program for Herbal Practitioners, and his one-year Therapeutics Program for Herbal Practitioners at his school, David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies, in Washington, NJ.
Additionally, she is also a student of highly respected Author, Herbalist, Healer, Herbal Educator and a Founding Mother of the modern Herbal movement, Rosemary Gladstar, in her celebrated correspondence course: "The Science and Art of Herbalism", and is a graduate of her Teacher Training Program for Herbalists.
Donna has taught classes locally in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware, at Sage Mountain Retreat Center in East Barre, VT, and internationally in Erice and Agira, Sicily.
Donna has also studied and is proficient as an Energy Worker/Practitioner, having attained Level III Reiki Master & Teacher in accordance with the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition as well as earning a Certificate for Chakra Chelation / Rebalancing.
Her hybrid analytical expertise - culled from 40+ years in the Information Technology world - enables Donna to pinpoint stressors contributing to client ailments, and effectively create comprehensive, individualized healing protocols which not only resolve symptoms but create constitutional changes needed for physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
Locally, Donna was a Girl Scout Troop leader for 15 years, mentoring 11 girls to achieve the Girl Scout Gold Award.
In her spare time, when she is not coordinating classes or giving herb walks, Donna is working on her book-in-progress,Tree Spirit Medicine: Re-establishing Our Sacred Connection.
Currently, Donna has partnered with Tracey Revak to create "Grace of Angels", a holistic center in Chester, NJ. She holds classes and outdoor workshops there and directly in the fields with her herbal plant allies. Visit: